Driver's license: he did not know the address of a hotel - it is reset

il y a 13 années, 1 mois - 3 Avril 2011
Driver's license: he did not know the address of a hotel - it is reset
Flunked for not knowing where a new hotel is located, a resident of Bel-Air-Rivière-Sèche is forced to repeat the oral exam for his driver's license for a taxi. What this also means he has to pay back all expenses. This prospect is angering the young 20-old man.

NR is ridiculous trick questions that destabilize people. "We are already stressed, now we find ourselves in front of an officer who takes a perverse pleasure to make us swallow gag," said the native of Bel-Air-Rivière-Sèche.

In early March 2011, he says, he went to the Central Barracks for the exam orally. "The officer asked me questions about hotels on the island, before quoting the name of a new hotel and then asked me where is it located."

The young man admits he could not answer that question because for him the hotel was not on any map. "I found the question absurd. He could have asked me three or four names of hotels in different parts of the island instead of focusing on one issue," says he.

He does not hide his indignation by this way of working. "I had to pay a large sum of money for all the driving lessons that I followed. And here I am compelled to study it again to make another examination which is not free," he thundered.

Mohit Ramah, the inspector from the Central Barracks, the inspector explains that it is unlikely that this person has been penalized for not having known the name of a hotel. "There are certainly other reasons. Ten questions, the person who takes part in the oral examination must give at least seven correct answers to succeed," he says.

It stipulates that for the 'Public Service Vehicle License' there issues which relate to contraventions that a taxi driver should not have."We must respect the signs taxi. Then, it is important that the person has general knowledge. For example, one may ask where the Nehru Hospital and must be able to answer. The inspector Ramah explains further that the questions about the hotels are items that relate to general knowledge. "But we do not ask questions about the hotels that just opened their doors," he said.

Inspector Ramah explains that if a person already has a 'Private license', she can apply for a taxi permit. "The application may be rejected only if the person has a criminal history," he says.