Driving School Instructors: For a Touch of Femininity ...

il y a 11 années, 3 mois - 30 Mai 2013, The Défi Media Group
Driving School Instructors: For a Touch of Femininity ...
The number of conductors on our roads increases ... also one of the instructors. More and more women these days offer their driving school services, bringing a more feminine touch.

They are more to train future drivers of the island. The time when the job of driving instructor was the exclusive domain of men is over. Many women also offer driving lessons, and it seems to work just as well.

Director and instructor of the Femina Driving School, Premila Dhunputh has 25 years of experience in the field. She has trained a large number of drivers. "Most of my students are women. There are, of course, men also, but it is women who most often come to me for training, "she says.

At Santana Driving School, the number of men and women is more or less equal. "There are slightly more women who come to the course of conduct, but there is no big difference," says Mirella Brebner, the manager. It also states that apprentices are all ages, but notes, however, that more and more young people want to learn to drive.

"A lot of young people arrived after the end of high school, until the tertiary phase. There are young people who are preparing to go to university abroad and would like to get their license before. However, there are also older people who want to learn to drive. I have a student who is married with two children, and she juggles her work and while driving, "says Mirella Brebner.

According to our respondents, the feminine touch is the key to success. "With a female instructor, the student feels more comfortable, quieter and can take the time to learn. Moreover, I take the time to explain the operations. Some also feel safer when they are framed by a woman. There is less reluctance on their part and they are more confident behind the wheel, "says Premila Dhunputh.

For Mirella Brebner, is something else. "When necessary, I'm serious. Road safety is something with which we do not laugh. I have a well-structured program, and a "Skill for Learners Manual" written by myself, my students can consult. Times have changed, because people understand that women are equally capable of providing training than men, "she says.

For Suhail, low perceptions that women are less talented driving and they are not able to do the job of driving school instructor. It even adds a woman better than a man says. "A woman takes the time to explain what you need to know. It is more caring and more patience. If you make a mistake, it is less likely to annoy, unlike some men. This is why I chose to learn to drive with a woman. They laughed at me a little at first, but my experience has been quite positive, because I had the license the first time and so far I have had no problems on the road. A woman is perfectly capable of providing a good education, "he says.

But the road was long for those women who wanted to embrace this business, once reserved only for men. Premila Dhunputh advance its beginnings were not easy. "When I started as an instructor, it was very hard and people laughed at me. I even heard of phrases like iron al Zanfan boir lakaz! "She says.

Same story on the side of Mirella Brebner. "At first it was not easy. It has often told me to drop it, because I was not going to happen, and here I am 23 years later, "says one who is also the secretary of the Association of Professional Driving Instructors.

Women have something more, according to Rashmi, a resident trainer the Plains Wilhems. "I've had students who started driving lessons with me, who have gone to men, and that came back to me later. A woman is able to be instructor and there is that little extra that you will not find elsewhere, "she says.