Grid Penalty Points Display Distributed Soon

il y a 11 années, 4 mois - 7 Janvier 2013,
Grid Penalty Points Display Distributed Soon
All motorists Island will soon receive their license counterpart. This document will be posted on the number of penalty points collected. Associated with the permitted drivers already have, it will form the new license points.

The penalty points come into force in February, assured the Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam, in his message to the nation on January 1. Counterparts licenses will be issued to the public through 24 distribution points.

Schedule: from 9:00 to 7:00 p.m. every day, including weekends and holidays. If a driver can not move, he may appoint a representative to retrieve this document.

The tender exercise to select a private operator who will distribute the license counterpart is underway.

One that will stall the contract should review the database of license holders in Mauritius and remove from the list those who died and those whose license has been suspended. There are currently 650,000 allowed in the database of the Traffic Branch.According to the new provisions of the Road Traffic Act, the penalty points will be valid for a period of three years.

If a driver accumulates 15 points, his license will be suspended for at least six months. The limit is 10 points for holders of a learner. And to get his license, the driver must pay a fee.

The Court, not to the police, to decide the exact number of points to be awarded for offenses committed.