Penalty Points: Great Fear

il y a 10 années, 11 mois - 23 Mai 2013, The Défi Media Group
Penalty Points: Great Fear
The introduction of penalty points has been debate on Radio Plus, Friday. They were many listeners to express their dissatisfaction with the new system. However, Friday morning, motorists showed greater caution and sense of responsibility on our roads.

Was on set Inspector Goinsamy Veerasami the Traffic Branch. He revealed that 250 of the 397 days 600 000 recovered their Counterpart Driving Licence (DLC).

"On Thursday, 816 people came to get their DLC and Friday morning, a long line stretched to the central barracks. However, we conducted several campaigns in this regard ", deploring the inspector Veerasami. Raffick Bahadoor spokesman taxi drivers, Rajen Bhinta, driving school instructor, and Nazir Jungee, spokesman Komité Van Lékol gave him the answer. The speakers discussed the following topics.

Why DLC?

The law now requires every driver to have in his possession. According to Inspector Veerasami "too many drivers have on them as a photocopy of their driver's license, which is not always easy exercises control. The DLC will better help the police do their job. "

Allegations of bribes, kickbacks

"Central Barracks have implemented an" anti corruption framework ", in collaboration with the Anti-Corruption Commission. He will be responsible for the actions of combat "some bad apples" in the police. If a driver believes that an agent of the order requests a pot of wine, the injured driver is invited to file a complaint, "said the inspector Veerasami yet.

'Cleaning process'

Over 600,000 registered drivers only

397,250 hold a DLC. The police, in conjunction with the Passport Immigration Office makes every effort to trace the 252,250 drivers who are missing. Some or died, emigrated or are experiencing health problems, which is why they can not conduir and no longer need a permit.


With the entry into force of penalty points, all courts, the offices 'prosecutors' of the island are networked with the central barracks. The Management System will allow police to save a data driver was given a ticket and was punished. Police Commissioner issued a circular to explain the operation of the system.

Fines - In the past three years, the police drew up

597,000 tickets, including 191 128 for speeding. The police official cited the case of a flashed 21 times for speeding. Each time, he fined. "With the penalty points, the authorities hope that such dangerous behavior will cease."

Signs and Highway Patrol

Driving school instructor, Rajen Bhinta emphasizes that the authorities did not specify what would happen in case of loss or destruction of the DLC. "Take the example of all the flood victims." It is that the Department of Transportation to address the issue. "The authorities should create a structure whose purpose is to reduce the number of accidents on our roads. I also suggest that Reduces up to Abercrombie, the speed is limited to 110 km to 80 km. The authorities should also review the signs and think about the establishment of a Highway Patrol, "he notes.


There are three ways to select a ticket. The driver can opt for a 'fixed penalty notice'. The officer is then required to inform the nature of the offense. The driver may also refuse the 'fixed penalty'. In this case, it has a period of 21 days to pay the fine in court. Remember that any regular police officer has the power to crack down and punish the offender HTA.


The DLC does not apply to tourists. The agreement signed with Paris authorizes French expatriates to ride on our roads. In case of violation, the police established a 'endorsement certificate' created especially for foreigners. In case of fatal accident, it can be argued that a driver has to leave the country pending trial. Note also that some crimes accident, driving while intoxicated, assault and reckless driving are not the subject of 'Fixed Penalty Notice'.

The government should raise awareness

Raffick Bahadoor believes that the introduction of penalty points have been precipitated by the accident Sorèze which ten people were killed. The spokesman of taxi regrets that the authorities have not begun discussions around a table before the introduction of the system. "I am not convinced that the penalty points will reduce the number of accidents on the roads. I also said that I am not against this penalty points, but the law penalizes dimoune pane to power, "he complains.

The speaker to explain a panel of lawyers would be willing to come to challenge certain aspects of the permit in court. "We invite the public to turn to us to report any breach considered excessive. There are double penalty in some cases: the driver who does not put his seatbelt fined Rs 500. Then, after paying its points are cut. This is unacceptable! The government must educate the public and not to pay all the time. As for infrastructure, no new supply is announced to review the state of our roads, "he argues.


Nazir Jungee, spokesman Komité Van Lékol, argues that there is no consensus with all citizens for the introduction of penalty points. Democratically speaking, the introduction of penalty points has not been performed correctly. We did not have our say, the authorities should conduct a survey ('survey') with the traveling public.

Especially since the penalty points if brakes insecurity on the roads will not stop accidents. Maybe the penalty points will make drivers more responsible, but the essential problem remains: it is training in road safety that we need, we must educate the future driver before his driver, "said Nazir Jungee.

Another point raised: "uselessness" of having the Driving Licence Counterpart permanently on itself.

"It is the court that will need this DLC. I do not understand the point of having this inconvenient document on A4 itself. There is no valid reason for this obligation. " The President of Komité Van Lékol highlights some points that seem relevant. "Maurice is not ready for this kind of development. The authorities should first review the road infrastructure. Okay, they want to align themselves with the developed countries, but our roads are deeply flawed. We informed the State concerns facing vans passing by schools, while the road more door 'markings'. In some cases, drivers are forced to double despite the presence of a continuous white line. In some places near a crosswalk, there is no sign.

How will the motorist he warned? "He protested.

Nazir Jungee also deplores the procedure compliance reviews vehicles ('fitness'). "Is it normal for drivers poireautent for two hours to go to the cashier, while the checks themselves are shipped in five minutes? We need more control centers with staff for quality checks. How to justify a vehicle is a technical problem just after passing an examination of 'fitness'?, "He adds.