1.3 km Ring Road project at Pailles, 30% complete

12 years, 10 months ago - 5 July 2011
1.3 km Ring Road project at Pailles, 30% complete
The construction work for the first phase of the Ring Road at Pailles is progressing at a fast pace. According to sources at the Road Development Authority (RDA), around 30 per cent of work is complete.

The outline of this circular track will consist of a 1.3 kilometre tunnel under the mountain. It will start from Sorez, near Montebello and will go through Guibies, Domaine les Pailles. It will pass through the mountain and come out on Justice Street, near the Chinese pagoda and Mauritius Sanatan Dharma Temples Federation. It shall then take the direction of Colline Monneron, and will reach Pamplemousses through Vallée Pitot. Finally, it shall take the military road to connect to the roundabout, giving access to the harbour. The aim is to make traffic to and from the Capital fluid. This will also reduce accidents and will provide alternate access to Port Louis from the south. The contract for phase one of the Ring Road project was allocated to Rehm Grinaker Construction Co Ltd and Colas. The five-kilometre long road will start at Guibies and the total cost is estimated at Rs 950 million. It will be ready by next year. The second phase will include some important work too. It shall comprise a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and will require an investment of Rs 3.5 billion. An RDA officer this is because a tunnel will be dug at Signal Mountain to give access to Tranquebar.This part of the road will also be constructed on Le Pouce Mountain’s side. It will go through Tranquebar, Vallée Pitot and Plaine Verte to join the National II at platform D roundabout.The procedures for this second phase have already started. However, certain families from Tranquebar and Vallée Pitot will have to be relocated for its completion.