Stolen vehicle

13 years, 1 month ago - 3 May 2011
Stolen vehicle
A resident of Sebastopol had recorded a statement at the police station in the locality, April 27, to report the theft of his van.

In the wake of this flight, an investigation was initiated by the Criminal Police-Military District.Sergeants Jokhoo and Mote, under the supervision of the Inspector Lollmun, went to City straws where they found the van and put his hand on the presumed thief. This is a man named Jugdeetsing Palaram, 24, and mechanic's Walk Mango, Gros Cailloux.

It was with his girlfriend when the sleuths apprehended. He confessed his crime and offending Sarvun Boyjoo Kumar, 32. The latter lives in Bamboo and works as a driver for the victim. They had already removed some pieces and planned to sell them. They are in police cell, and Monday, they will appear in court, where a charge of theft will be held against them.