Accidents: 119 Deaths Since January

11 years, 7 months ago - 19 October 2012,
Accidents: 119 Deaths Since January
Black list goes on. January to Wednesday 17 October, there were 119 deaths on our roads. A figure considered worrisome, according to the authorities assigned to the central barracks and those within the "Traffic Branch"

The death toll continues to rise. January to Wednesday, the road was 119 victims, against 120 for the same period in 2011. This, despite numerous campaigns conducted by the police and other authorities. Barracks in central and in the Traffic Branch, we consider that the situation is "very worrying".

Especially yesterday morning at 8 o'clock more specifically, the black list is even longer. Saileshsing Jharry, 41, succumbed to his injuries when he was admitted to intensive care in hospital in the North.

Sunday, 21 am to 40, this inhabitant d'Epinay was Calebasses when he lost control of his motorcycle. He then hit a parapet hard.

Dr. Prem Shaman, Police Medical Officer, attributed the death of Saileshsing Jharry a skull fracture. Police Red Earth has opened an investigation to determine the exact circumstances of the accident.