Grand Bay Hosts 'Tuning Show'

12 years, 1 month ago - 25 February 2013, The Défi Media Group
Grand Bay Hosts 'Tuning Show'
Diamananda Tuning and FA are newcomers in the field events. To mark their arrival in the big leagues, they organize the March 2 and 3 a 'tuning show'. The event will take place in the parking lot of Super U in Grand Baie.

Car enthusiasts have modified what is an eyeful Saturday, March 2, 10 am to 21: 30 pm and Sunday from 10 am to 3 19.30. Are thus exposed more than thirty cars, each more beautiful than the other. "For the moment, thirty car owners 'tunées' we have already indicated their intention to participate in the event. In addition, our tuning show several grant awards to participants, "said Ananda Sameenaden, director of Diamananda.

Will therefore be rewarded the best 'body kit', the best interior design, best sound and the car will offer the most impressive 'backfire'.

Musical entertainment will also go over the two days. Saturday, March 2 at 18 hours, Clarel Armel and his dancers will fire in the parking Super U. Sunday, March 3 to 16 hours, which is Bruno Raya will happen in concert.

The right of access has been set at Rs 25 per person. Admission is free for children under 12 years. Car owners who wish to attend the event should contact Ananda on 728 8320.