Penalty Points: More Than 200 000 DLC Distributed

12 years, 1 month ago - 25 February 2013, Le Mauricien
Penalty Points: More Than 200 000 DLC Distributed
With the entry into force of allowed points in the coming weeks, the government presented a preliminary assessment on the distribution of Counterpart Driving Licence (DLC).

Of the 650,000 drivers involved, just over 200,000 have already recovered the document while the distribution deadline is March 21. On the other hand, in order to avoid cases of bribery between police and driver in the future, new strategies have been developed.

Whether at Barracks plants or cell responsible for road safety at the office Prime Minister, we expressed satisfaction with the conduct of exercises distribution of DLC for January 21st. However, it is conceded that the beginnings were difficult in this major exercise for the first day of distribution with a few quirks. In addition, those responsible for the operation of distribution will give a slight delay after the deadline in order to allow for the inevitable late to bring the DLC which will add an annex to the permit.

In the wake of penalty points, many changes are expected. One of the major changes is the establishment of a new service to avoid bribery between police and driver. Moreover, during a press conference yesterday afternoon, Ben Buntipilly, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister's Office in road safety, should attempt to dispel any apprehension on this point. "There are some rumors that the demerit points, the police will have more opportunity for bribery cases. But know that the Prime Minister is adamant it. There will be no tolerance for anyone getting caught for bribery! "Did he say while stressing that this is subject to consultation with the Commissioner Dhun Rampersad Iswur.

Buntipilly Ben made it clear that for practical reasons, it is not yet possible to disclose the procedure. "There will soon be a guardrail and strategies will be implemented to counter bribery cases. The work will be so incognito so we can not say more. Some people have training to ensure grain. Through these services very secret and disguised, we have evidence against those involved. "

Another change coming in terms of road safety: wearing retro-reflective vests for motorcyclists. This new measure is part of the battle for reward Road Safety Association All Before. On several occasions in the columns of Mauritius, President of the NGO, Alain Jeannot, argued that both wheels are 22 times more vulnerable than four wheels. It should therefore demand certain measures, including mandatory wearing an accessory retro-reflective as soon as possible for drivers and passengers of two wheels. Ben Buntipilly was announced yesterday that the project is at the stage of the State Law Office and will come into force very soon.