Penalty Points: One Hundred Drivers on Strike Friday

11 years, 11 months ago - 27 March 2013, The Défi Media Group
Penalty Points: One Hundred Drivers on Strike Friday
It is decided! A hundred taxi drivers and bus drivers gathered in the Common Front against the penalty points will be on strike on Friday March 29. Decision was taken on Tuesday, March 26 at the end a meeting of the Common Front.

Members of the Common Front had the choice between an event, operation and snail strike. They finally voted in favor of a strike.

Georges Ah Yan, spokesman for the Common Front, said employees in the transport sector march through the streets of the five cities on Friday to say no to license points system, which comes into force on 1 st April. According to him, the drivers will be penalized if this  system  is introduced in its current form.  

Georges Ah Yan does not preclude the possibility of holding another strike in April.