Spectacular Crash at Pamplemousses: Her Car Skidded, She Escaped Unharmed

11 years, 11 months ago - 2 April 2013, The Défi Media Group
Spectacular Crash at Pamplemousses: Her Car Skidded, She Escaped Unharmed
She had a narrow escape Monday. A Portlouisienne 40, who was in the North, heading towards the capital when her car skidded up to Grand Bay Link Road. It was about 13 h 30.

The car left the highway and ended his mad race in the undergrowth. The violence of the impact, the car was flipped on its side. This spectacular accident caught the attention of many onlookers.

Volunteers rushed to rescue the driver who was released from the vehicle until the police arrived Pamplemousses. The Portlouisienne was subjected to a breath test which proved negative. She was then guided to Apollo Bramwell Hospital for treatment. A police investigation is underway.