Using ‘fast lane’: Understanding How Not to Lose Points

11 years, 9 months ago - 13 June 2013, The Défi Media Group
Using ‘fast lane’: Understanding How Not to Lose Points
Many motorists are raised to have sentenced to penalty points on their license for using the ‘fast lane’, once called the 'fast lane'. They plead ignorance. However, the law of 2002. Since the introduction of penalty points, the challenges multiply. Confusion or refusal to follow instructions?

The'' fast lane is the way which is at the extreme right of the road. According to the Road Traffic Act, it can be used in specific cases for cars and prohibited certain vehicles such as buses or trucks. Since the introduction of penalty points, hundreds of motorists were caught in violation. Some were taken twice. Result: they were sentenced to penalty points on their license.

P. Krishna, a resident of Petit Raffray, Red Earth, discussed the situation on the antenna issue Xplik or K last week. He received a ticket on May 28. "Mo pa ti cone. Mo thin demand apology officer there. Despite this, I received a Fixed Penalty Notice, "he tells the Daily Challenge. This driver transporting hotel staff believes that there was a campaign of "awareness deficient" surrounding the settlement. RS, another driver who transports employees 'call-center' has already had six penalty points on his driving license.

On two occasions, he was given a ticket for using the ‘fast lane’. "It's unfair! The coast was clear. I was bothering anyone. In addition, I did not speeding. I might not be able to work as a driver if it continues. The business driver will be rare these days, "argues RS

Speaking at the radio program, inspect Mohit Ramah, the Traffic Branch, said that the police conducted several awareness campaigns through the media. It also mentions a pamphlet, which was distributed to drivers from recovering their 'Driving license Counterpart' (DLC).

"The police can not do anything if a driver did not listen to the radio or watched the show on TV. Many drivers have received a ticket, even before the entry into force of the penalty points system. In the past, for some people, a fine was nothing disturbing, now that they risk losing their license, they react. Motorists are advised to ensure that they know perfectly the Highway Code. This is a serious negligence on their part, "said the inspector Ramah which asks citizens to reflect on the dangers that can arise when a truck or bus, for example, use this path.

Nazir Jhungee, president of Van Lékol Committee is of the opinion that this would stand in "unfair obstacle" for drivers that are forbidden to go this route. "We are limited in terms speed, we can not run beyond 80 km. We are against this measure. We urge the Department of Transportation to review the law. We will discuss this measurement at our next general meeting, "he responds.

Another motorist raises a relevant aspect of the language used. "The laws are written in words, in a complex jargon, they are sometimes difficult to understand for the average citizen," does it come out. Some believe that the explanatory brochures should be written in the native language of many Mauritians, Creole.

What the law says

In 2002, under the heading 'Use of Lanes Regulations' that this provision was enacted. Its goal: to prevent some vehicles to go this route: the speed is limited to 80 km / h, while in some places the speed limit of up to 110 km / h.

In 2012, amendments were made to the Road Traffic Act, before the introduction of penalty points. Section 123AM 'Lane Discipline on Dual Carriageway explains precisely the changes made.

In short, the cars can use this way in six specific cases. Permission does not apply to any vehicle pulling a trailer, including a car (eg towing a niche). The way is also prohibited to vehicles transporting goods ("Goods vehicles), and the passengers (14 seats, including the driver, or more).

"These drivers are allowed to use the ‘fast lane’ that they must turn right at the next roundabout (if you go to Port Louis and must turn right at the roundabout Phoenix to win the shopping complex Jumbo says Inspector Ramah. "Changing lanes should be at an appropriate time to approach the roundabout only."

When to use ‘fast lane’?

1. To turn right at the next junction (roundabout)

2. To pass another vehicle

3. Following the directions of a police officer or traffic signs

4. If you need to choose a path right

5. If obstruction (car breakdown, road repair)

6. At peak hours, if all other avenues are occupied

Important Note: These six situations apply only to cars.

It is also important to note that a pamphlet ', entitled Zero Zero traka' was distributed with the DLC and in which the information is contained.

In the list under 'Offences', it is written in black and white: "Breach of Discipline was Lane Dual Carriageway - section 123AM."

Any offender faces a fine of Rs 1,000 and three penalty points if they accept a Fixed Penalty or a fine of Rs 2000 and 3 to 6 points lost if it goes to court.