Motocyclette : Survêtement de Haute Visibilité Obligatoire

11 years, 4 months ago - 29 November 2013, Le Matinal
Motocyclette : Survêtement de Haute Visibilité Obligatoire
Les Road Traffic (Use of High Visibility Clothing) Regulations entreront en vigueur à partir du 1er janvier 2014. Les nouveaux réglements stipulent que les conducteurs doivent nécessairement porter des survêtements de haute visibilité à la tombée de la nuit pour éviter tout risque d’accidents.

“No person shall drive a motorcycle or auto cycle, unless he wears a high visibility clothing without any covering being worn over it that may cause obstruction to its visibility”, soutiennent ces nouveaux réglements. Ils indiquent aussi que “no person shall ride as pillion riser on a motorcycle or auto cycle as the case may be, unless he wears a high visibility clothing without any covering being worn over it that may cause obstruction to its visibility.

High visibility clothing means clothing covering torso (the trunk of the human body (a) made of polyester materials of either fluorescent lime yellow, fluorescent red or fluorescent orange colour, intended to provide a conspicuity at all times”, (b) which is able to be closed and adjusted at the front; (c) which is equipped with polyvinyl retro-reflective stripes of not less than 50 millimeters wide, consisting of 2 vertical bands and 2 horizontal bands both on the front and the back sides as shown in the First Schedule; (d) which may be having sleeves; “retro-reflective stripe” means a band which is made of relecting material designed to return back light emitted from headlights of a motor vehicule during hours of darkness so as to be visible from a reasonable distance. Any person who contravenes these regulations shall commit an offence and shall on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding Rs 1000 rupees”, souligne ces réglements.