How To Do a Massive Record Breaking Jump in a Big Rig

8 years, 8 months ago - 17 August 2015, Carbuzz
How To Do a Massive Record Breaking Jump in a Big Rig
This is Murica. Did you know that 10 000 kg trucks can fly? Well, neither did we, until we saw this incredibly impressive semi-truck doing a massive jump that seems to defy the laws of physics.

Not only did stunt driver Gregg Godfrey manage to shatter the world record for a semi-truck jump, but he did so with absolute class and nailed a beautiful sliding drift at the end to top it all off. Never have we been so incredibly impressed with the skill level of a truck driver. Which is why we have looped this video several times in celebration of all things Murican.

Check out the video to see just how to make a big rig fly.