Penalty Points: Rejection to Take Breath Test Will Be Punished

11 years ago - 9 May 2013, The Défi Media Group
Penalty Points: Rejection to Take Breath Test Will Be Punished
The Minister of Public Infrastructure and Transport confirms that the system of penalty points come into effect this Friday, May 10

18 offenses and 19 are not affected by the penalty points, said Anil Bachoo at a press conference to release mid-day Wednesday, May 8

Upon confirmation that the flashing down will not be affected by the penalty points, however, those driving vehicles with headlights are defective will be subject to two penalty points.

Other important information: the refusal to submit to a breathalyzer will be punished.

Anil Bachoo justifies the decision to introduce the system of penalty points to the fact that the number of accidents is increasing "despite awareness campaigns." Just last year, he says, 210,000 tickets were drawn against motorists for traffic violations. "Enough is enough", he stressed.

Anil Bachoo also justifies the decision to include the refusal to submit to a breathalyzer test in the system of penalty points. A motorist, he said, can not drink alcohol and then get behind the wheel and refuse to submit to a breath test if stopped by police. "In no country in the world can not accept such a thing," he makes out.

The Minister of Public Infrastructure and Transport has also confirmed that the new "speeds cameras" will be operational from May 10 In total there will be 52 "fixed cameras." "20 have been installed," he says.

With the entry into force of penalty points, drivers will receive points if they commit crimes (driving while intoxicated, speeding, manslaughter or dangerous driving). The offenses range from 2 points to 10 points depending on the seriousness of the offense. A total of 15 points, the driver's license will be revoked.

The person whose license was canceled for the first time, will recover automatically after six months. However, repeat offenders will have to start from scratch, or reapply for a "driving test" at the end of the six month disqualification.

The "learners", however, will have only 10 points.