Austin MINI yr 87 saloon in very good condition,engine - 1275 Cc, (engeristement - rs 3200 ), 4 vitesse origin, Engine in very good condition, no oil leakage or water leakage, distributeur electronik. , suspension in perfect condition.,2 new tyres, new brake pads, fully garnished.12 pc alloy wheels. new battery N90 with guarantee, sport exhaust, zalouzi, ( fog, poigner laport, retrovizeur, bofore devan/derriere, grill, essuiglace - ALL CHROME ). . insurance until end May 2015, declaration until April 2015, fitness until end May 2015, NO NEED TO DO latol, peinture, garnisseur, moteur, JUST TAKE N DRIVE. PRICE Rs 89 MIL can see it at brisee verdiere or flacq, for more info, phn 59482940.