Accident Sorèze: Air Leak in Brake System in Four Days Before the Tragedy

il y a 11 années, 10 mois - 8 Mai 2013,
Accident Sorèze: Air Leak in Brake System in Four Days Before the Tragedy
Ganesh Deepchand, the bus driver 4263 AG 07 had reported a problem of air leakage in the brake system 29 April 2013 as well as mechanical problems on the eve of the drama.

The air leak was repaired the same day when the driver had lunch, between 2:05 p.m. 1:05 p.m. ET. The day before the accident Sorèze which ten people were killed and 45 injured, Ganesh Deepchand had informed the National Transmission Corporation (NTC) as unusual sounds emanating from the engine. However, officials have estimated that the bus could hit the road.

This is what emerges from the Private Notice Question (PNQ) to the Minister of Public Infrastructure and Transport, Anil Bachoo, the National Assembly, this Tuesday, May 7, 2013.

This information was revealed by the leader of the Militant Socialist Movement (MSM), Jugnauth.He had made a report to the Minister responsible for the NTC, the day of the tragedy and written by his officers. Earlier, the Minister Anil Bachoo had declared that his ministry was never officially brought into employee complaints of the NTC on the mechanical or other problems observed on 100 buses, Ashok Layland and Tata , bought in 2007.

Minister Anil Bachoo was in turn accuse the orange leader of failing to read section 3.4 of that report in its entirety. He then added that the report also mention replacing the "trimmed" out immediately after the problem was reported by the driver, or at lunch time, on April 29.

As for the second complaint about the noise from the engine of the bus 4263 AG 07 the day of the tragedy, the minister's response Bachoo was covered by protests from members of the government majority, accusing Jugnauth want to " distort the truth " .

As the Leader of the Opposition, he dwelt at length on the alleged deficiencies in the maintenance of buses NTC policy. He cited a response from the Minister Bachoo in 2009 which itself refers to a report of Indian experts on bus 2007. The latter had come to the conclusion that these vehicles, both criticized since their commissioning, were consistent with the safety requirements and mechanics, but it was " maintenance policy "to be questioned.

The Minister recalled that it was he, personally, had commissioned the report " because of the strong rumors "on the non-compliance of these bus safety standards, among others.