Accidents in brief

il y a 13 années, 1 mois - 16 Août 2011
Accidents in brief
Quatre-Bornes: a woman mowed down by a lorry on a zebra crossing. After an accident: a driver disfigured.

Quatre-Bornes: a woman mowed down by a lorry on a zebra crossing

Tuesday, August 16. A woman has had a terrible end this morning. She was killed instantly after being hit by a truck. The accident occurred when she borrowed a crosswalk to cross the road near De Chazal Du Mee Business School in St. Jean, Quatre-Borne.

After an accident: a driver disfigured 

It was up to a roundabout north of the Port Louis at Saturday morning. The car of a driver of 42 years was hit from behind by another vehicle. When he set foot on shore to see the damage to his vehicle, and consider a statement out of court, he was severely scarred. His daughter, who was in his company, she was slapped. The driver was admitted to the hospital where Dr AJ Jeetoo received forty stitches. Police are investigating.