Convicted of setting fire to a car

il y a 13 années - 21 Septembre 2011
Convicted of setting fire to a car
Prosecuted for willfully and unlawfully set fire to a vehicle that does not belong to him, a security guard was found guilty of this offense by the magistrate Kesnaytee Bissoonauth. The accused had pleaded not guilty.

The incident dates back to April 2009 in Tamarin. The declarant was working on a construction site and he had parked his vehicle, a van on the road near the site. Suddenly, he saw the van on fire. He rushed to the vehicle to try to extinguish the fire that was gaining momentum. He then saw the accused walking away from running with a lighter hand. In his testimony, the reporter says he knows the accused as the latter worked as a security guard at the site and was fired. The complainant stated that the accused believed he was responsible for his loss of employment. The registrant has clearly identified the accused who was near the site.

The accused said that on the day of the incident, he was lounging beside the sea in the region. He confirmed that the police found a lighter in his possession. Asked about the presence of the lighter, he said he is a smoker. He denied having committed the offense while he was not on good terms with the registrant. The court noted that the testimony of the accused under oath was not credible.