Deadly Road: One Death Every Three Days

il y a 11 années, 11 mois - 20 Mars 2013, The Défi Media Group
Deadly Road: One Death Every Three Days
Sad record: 33 people were killed in road accidents since the beginning of the year against 26 in the same period in 2012.

The last fatal accident was recorded Monday, March 18. Mohamed Ismail Maiharaub, a resident of Rose Hill, aged 23, died on the National in Phoenix. The young man was driving a car that collided head a parapet. An occupant of the car, namely Aslam Cara, 25, escaped with minor injuries.

The government is not insensitive to the high number of fatalities. He announced the introduction of the penalty points for the 1 st April 2013 in order to better empower motorists.

Two days before the deadline, nearly 330,000 motorists have not yet recovered their Counterpart Driving Licence. It is a document to be attached to license. It will indicate to the driver the number of points he has accumulated through the introduction of the penalty points.