He Finds that his New Motorcycle is Defective: The Retailer Agrees to Refund the Price but not the Tax

il y a 12 années, 4 mois - 15 Décembre 2011, The Défi Media Group
He Finds that his New Motorcycle is Defective: The Retailer Agrees to Refund the Price but not the Tax
Currently a dispute between a major retailer and a purchaser. The dispute is about the amount repaid on a motorcycle of global brands. The National Transport Authority (NTA) could be called upon to decide in this case ...

Following the release of this case on Radio Plus, Monday, the seller has proposed two options to the buyer either accepts that repairs the engine of his motorcycle, or we shall refund your money. Shezad, a resident of Camp-Chapelon, opted for the latter. 

But he disputes the amount which would be refunded. He said the bike has cost him the sum of Rs 34,500 and the seller did refund the Rs 27 000. What about the remaining Rs 7500? This amount represents the "Road Tax" paid to the State, through the National Transport Authority (NTA), by the seller. An amount that is non-refundable cancellation of a purchase. Unless the buyer requires a transfer of the tax on the purchase of another bike in the same store. 

"This reimbursement is virtually difficult to obtain. Only the NTA is authorized to make a decision in this case, "warns Mosadeq Sahebdin, former spokesman of a consumer association. Informed of the case, the Consumer Protection Unit has taken the matter in hand and plans to meet with the seller. 

On September 26, Shezad went to Brabant Street to buy a motorcycle. His choice is a 50cc motorcycle brand World. Cost of acquisition: Rs 34,500 on the road. The customer pays cash. However, it can take immediate delivery of their vehicle, as the model he saw a motorcycle is exposed. 

A few days later, Shezad is informed of the availability of a new motorcycle in the showroom. Excited, the driver of a forty year rushes to take delivery. The store also informs an initial interview to be made after 1000 miles. Since, according Shezad, his bike gives him a hard time. It would draw more, he says, on the highway. " Mone déjà en panne en pleine route. Kan bisin accélère lor 3e, mo pé bisin passe 4e. Mone rode ène sacré complication. Zordi zot fine décide pour démonte moteur là. Mo pa d’accord, parceki li ène moto neuve. Ki problème capave éna ki bisin démonte moteur ? "Asks the customer. 

Muktar Mauthoor gives us a different version of it. According to the sales manager of this store, a 50cc motorcycle is not able to run over 60 miles an hour. He explained: " Monsieur là rode faire la montant avec so madame à l’arrière sans même passe première. Ene moto ki encore lor rodage, bisin donne li so le temps. Li pé envi fer plis ki alle vite. Zordi, soit li autorise nou démonte moteur là, ou bien nou refuse vane moto ek li. 

Mo disposé pou donne li ène moteur neuf. Si li dire moi moteur pas bon… Je lui ai proposé deux options, mais voilà qu’il veut augmenter la puissance du moteur. C’est une chose que nous ne pouvons faire. Je voulais qu’il comprenne le fond du problème, mais il refuse de coopérer. Je n’ai pas d’autre choix que de lui rembourser ses Rs 27 000 "said Muktar Mauthoor Daily Challenge. remains to the NTA to decide on the Rs 7500 Road Tax paid by the client.