Mess of Human Bodies Makes for Good Car Crash Sculpture

il y a 12 années, 2 mois - 1 Novembre 2012, Autoblog
Mess of Human Bodies Makes for Good Car Crash Sculpture
The Motor Accident Commission in South Australia says that speeding is the number one killer on the state's roads. The tally doesn't just come from hooligans flagrantly doing eight billion kilometers an hour over the limit, but so-called low-level speeding less than ten or even five km/h over and which is especially harmful to pedestrians.

To make the case that even a few ticks beyond the posted limit is a deadly game, the MAC commissioned ad agency Clemenger BBDO to make a print ad, and the agency came up with a piece called Crash Puzzle: people painted and locked together in the shape of a wrecked car. Body painter Emma Hack, also known for her work with the Australian singer Gotye, spent eighteen hours applying five layers of paint to the seventeen athletes, bodybuilders and acrobats used in the piece.