NY Vandal Uses Graffiti to Call Out Bad Parking

il y a 10 années, 5 mois - 28 Juillet 2014, Autoblog
NY Vandal Uses Graffiti to Call Out Bad Parking
We've all been there. You walk down the street and can't believe how people have parked like that.

Maybe they're taking up two spots. Maybe they're sticking out and blocking part of the street, sidewalk or crosswalk. And maybe you think about leaving a note, but you probably don't. One vandal in New York, however, is taking things a step beyond.

An unknown parking-enforcement vigilante in the Glendale neighborhood of Queens, New York, has been going around tagging cars with spray paint, leaving indelible messages like "Learn to park S bag" and "Hey S*** bag park right" (expletive deleted).

Naturally, their owners are up in arms – as would we all if we found someone had spay-painted our vehicles. In the CBS 2 news video report viewable by scrolling below, victims of the graffiti are interviewed, maintaining that their cars were were parked correctly, further noting that it's already hard enough finding spaces in New York. On some level, both jilted parties probably have a point, but there's little doubt that local law enforcement will see things the vigilante's way.