One More Accident On The Stretch Martindale-Grewal

il y a 13 années, 3 mois - 5 Décembre 2011, Le Matinal
One More Accident On The Stretch Martindale-Grewal
Another car accident Sunday morning on the section in Sorèze Martindale-Grewal where authorities have diverted traffic for the purposes of construction of the Ring Road.

A car skidded to finish its race at the parapets. Fortunately, this accident has made only minor injuries. Still, the victims were taken to hospital for treatment. But a minor accident that caused congestion on the main streets of Port-Louis. 

Since the work of the Ring Road began on the section Martindale-Grewal, the police registered a thirty accidents during the past week. This deviation imposed on users at this point has made Sorèze a 'black spot' traumatic. 

This part of the highway is dreaded by users. In November, technicians Traffic Management & Road Safety Unit and the Minister Anil Bachoo had gone there to see firsthand the dangerous curves of the road. Following this exercise, changes were made. The drums red and white before the deviation have been removed and replaced with plastic bollards, while the realignment has been slightly modified. In addition, the authorities installed additional signs to prevent motorists from the deviation. 

Finally, the officers of the Traffic Management & Road Safety Unit have reduced the speed limit of 60 km/h to 40 km/h so that users take the necessary steps before negotiating this section. Despite all these measures, the place remains a 'black spot'. 

The Ministry of Public Infrastructure told this deviation was deemed necessary because the construction of a tunnel to the Ring Road is under way. This underpass will be completed in ten months. 

Meanwhile, the police asked motorists who travel this section of caution in negotiating the turns.