Prosecuted For Manslaughter By Negligence : Bus Driver Acquitted

il y a 12 années, 5 mois - 2 Octobre 2012, The Défi Media Group
Prosecuted For Manslaughter By Negligence : Bus Driver Acquitted
Sigh of relief for a bus driver. Prosecuted for manslaughter by negligence Mohunlall Moty, aged 30, was acquitted by the magistrate Vinay Appadoo, serving intermediate court for lack of evidence.

The accident occurred on July 3, 2006 in New Trunk Road, Terre Rouge. At the time, he was driving the bus registered 2568 JU 98, while Dhunesswar Aubeeluck was on a motorcycle. There was a collision between the two vehicles killing Dhunesswar Aubeeluck. According to the chief medical examiner, the victim died as a result of this accident.

The day of the accident, the constable Bharos a police summoned to the scene, claimed to have led the victim to the hospital Dhunesswar Aubeeluck. However, arriving at the hospital, a doctor confirmed his death.

Sergeant Derochoonee, principal investigator in the case, told the court that on July 3, 2006, he went to the scene of an accident at Terre-Rouge. He said that the victim has a license to drive a motorcycle. During his cons-examination, he could not certify that this accident was caused by the negligence of the bus driver, Mohunlall Moty. According to him, the accident occurred when the motorcycle has doubled the bus. Constable Burrumdoyal gave the same opinion that Sergeant Derochoonee.

For its part, the prosecution was not of this opinion. She argued during his requisition, that the accident occurred when the bus changed lanes and collided with the motorcycle thus killing Dhunesswar Aubeeluck. Mohunlall Moty has, meanwhile, denied that the accident occurred by his imprudence.

In its judgment, the magistrate Vinay Appadoo wrote: "All thesis abundantly show que le motorcycle hit against the rear of the bus and accusé cannot be Blamed for the accident." For this reason, Mohunlall Moty was exonerated.