Watch this Sportbike Rider Snatch Up a GoPro at Maximum Lean

il y a 9 années, 7 mois - 19 Septembre 2014, Autoblog
Watch this Sportbike Rider Snatch Up a GoPro at Maximum Lean
As much as we'd love to offer up the disclaimer, "Professional rider on a closed track," we can't. As it turns out, rider Derek Molle snatched up a GoPro camera lovingly left between the yellow lines on the J turn on Mullholland, according to the video's description on YouTube.

That being the case, we'll leave you with this disclaimer instead: Do not try this at home. To which Mr. Molle himself adds: You will crash. Check out the video of Molle as he grabs the GoPro off the ground while leaned over and dragging a knee, and stay for the video selfie at the end.