3 Most Perilous Things In a Car

11 years, 7 months ago - 27 November 2012, Wheels News
3 Most Perilous Things In a Car
High heels, discarded coffee cups and unrestrained pets have been identified as three of the most dangerous things to have in a car.

According to research by insurer More Than, the seemingly harmless items have been responsible for more than 13-million crashes and near misses in the UK.

Men were responsible for most accidents reported though women wearing high heels posed as much of a danger on the road.

Fashion over function

According to the study of 2000 drivers, 44% of female drivers could not use their pedals correctly due to their high heels. Female drivers aged 25-34 accounted for most of the incidents.

Getting your caffeine fix proved hazardous for drivers as many were found leaving empty coffee cups lying around. A staggering 20% of respondents admitted they had crashed or had a near miss after a coffee cup or empty container rolled under their brake pedal.

Man's best friend has also been found to be a disaster waiting to happen...

One in eight motorists claimed to have had a crash or near miss on the road due to their dog moving around unsecured. Most stated that their pet would clamber on to the front seat or attempt to jump out of windows.

Watch for hazards

Janet Connor, managing director at More Than, said: "The potential dangers and distractions outside of the car are well known but as the evidence suggests, those within the car are often forgotten.

"It's not always possible to control what happens on the road but it’s clear that motorists can go some way in making their driving safer by paying closer attention to the hazards in their vehicles.

"By keeping pedals clear of any obstacles, securing pets safely, and keeping cars clean, drivers can help limit incidents."