BPML: Construction of a Parking Lot for 800 Cars

12 years, 1 month ago - 29 January 2013, Le Matinal
BPML: Construction of a Parking Lot for 800 Cars
The car parking has always been a headache for motorists and authorities. This is a difficult problem especially for those who work in Cyber City Ebene.

A Ebony vehicles are often parked anywhere and anyhow. Seen the emergence of many buildings and other administrative offices in this region, it is important to find a solution quickly. The Business Parks of Mauritius Limited (BPML) identified a piece of land where Ebony 'parking tower, will be built to accommodate 800 vehicles.

Someone close to the source told Le Mational than it is about March 4, we will open the tenders. "Then the contractor will take nearly six months before he began the project because it must have all its permits in hand. In BPML, we think that that will stall the contract will take at least a year and a half or two years to build the 'parking tower'. It is the sponsor who will decide its design, "said our interlocutor. This parking area will be a breath of fresh air for motorists who daily attend Ebony. These car parks will pay off. BPML side, it was noted that vehicles are safely on the tarmac. Guards will be on hand.