Chris Evans Announced as new Top Gear Host

9 years, 7 months ago - 18 June 2015, Autoblog
Chris Evans
Chris Evans
It's a big day for the BBC, as the broadcaster announced not only a new Top Gear host, but confirmed that the final episode of Top Gear starring Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond will air on Sunday, June 28.

Let's start with the bigger bit of news. After many rumors and rumblings, the Beeb has announced that top-notch car guy, Ferrari aficionado, and BBC Radio 2 host Chris Evans will host the next generation of Top Gear. While Evans' co-presenters haven't been announced, the new host is at least somewhat familiar with show he'll be leading. He's featured once as the Star in a Reasonably Priced Car, turning in the sixth fastest time at the wheel of the Suzuki Liana. He also featured much later in the series, when James May begged, borrowed, and pleaded to take his gorgeous Ferrari California Spyder for a test drive. In short, he's one of the few people you really, really want at TG's helm.

"I'm thrilled, Top Gear is my favorite program of all time," Evans told "Created by a host of brilliant minds who love cars and understand how to make the massively complicated come across as fun, devil-may-care and effortless. When in fact, of course, it's anything but and that's the genius of Top Gear's global success, I promise I will do everything I possibly can to respect what has gone on before and take the show forward."

As for the show as we know it, it will officially end on June 28 when the final episode airs. Ousted host Jeremy Clarkson returned, albeit briefly, to the BBC to record a voiceover for the finale, which from our understanding will serve as a sort of montage of the missing episodes. According to The Telegraph, Clarkson, Hammond, and May will take part in one last cheap car challenge, where they'll spend 250 pounds (about $391 at today's rates) on used off-roaders. Allegedly, we'll also see the trio buy classic convertibles, although it's unclear if that feature will follow the cheap-car challenge formula.

It's unknown when the final episode of TG will air in the US. This season has seen uncut British episodes air on BBC America the day after they air in the UK, and it seems unlikely that will change for the last episode. Of course, we'll update you should we get any official word about a US showing.

Chris Evans says Top Gear will get female host, BBC says not so fast

With Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond out at Top Gear, the world's largest motoring show will finally be getting what, according to the hosts, the BBC has long clamored for – a female host. Or will it?

New host Chris Evans made some waves while speaking with BBC Radio 5 Live, when he was asked about a female host.

"I can confirm that definitely, 100 percent," Evans said, but adding that they would be selected "not for the sake of it," but because they have a passion for cars, the BBC reports.

The names of both hot shoe/former model Jodie Kidd and BBC Sport presenter Suzi Perry have been tossed around as potential co-hosts for Evans. But BBC Controller Kim Shillinglaw threw the proverbial bucket of water on Evans' statements.

Shillinglaw said there would be "no gender diktats" on the reborn show, during an interview on BBC Radio 4's The Media Show, The Guardian reports.

"[Top Gear] has always been a very male world hasn't it?" Shillinglaw said. "I think it's a part of thinking about how we could do things differently, to get a lot more spontaneity into the show. What I would say is, it will be about what's right for the show."