Hi-Tech Valet Services at Dusseldorf Airport

10 years, 7 months ago - 10 July 2014, Carbuzz
Hi-Tech Valet Services at Dusseldorf Airport
Ray - a park and pay in a whole new, automated way

Airport navigation can be a super stressful occurrence, particularly when you are arriving back from you trip and looking for your car. Ever have that situation where you just can't find it, and can't remember for the life of you where you parked it? At Dusseldorf airport in Germany, they are trialing a new automated parking system that should take the pain out of the parking experience. Ray, an automated valet parking system does all the work for you.

Upon arrival, the machine brings the car back to you. No wandering around in a search and rescue for your vehicle. While it is only being trialed in a section of the airport, hopefully it succeeds and catches on to the rest of the world. The video is in German, but we get a fairly good idea of how the system works by seeing it in action.