Lower prices for fuel

13 years, 11 months ago - 1 April 2011
Lower prices for fuel
Since Wednesday midnight, the price of petrol and diesel decreased.

A liter of petrol costs Rs 49.30 from Rs 51.30 against the morning before, which represents a decrease of 3.9%, or Rs 2. The diesel is compared to cost Rs 41.20 to Rs 43.50, down 5.3% or Rs 2.30. The Minister of Finance announced that, taking into account the current situation, he said.

Ashok Rughooputh, spokesman for the Petrol Retailers Association, said much appreciates this drop."The decline of one item will lower multiple products. But the minister stressed that this is a temporary drop! The question that now arises is how long this drop will last?"

"Lower prices may last one or two weeks. The people would have been much happier if the government had agreed to a larger decline in prices of petroleum products," said Ashok Rughooputh.

"When these prices fall, it is normal that those other products would decline." This decrease comes relieve other economic sectors of the country, small as big businesses, says Jayen Chellum, secretary general of the Association  Consumers of Mauritius (ACIM) stressed that the fight that led the association since 2008 he is right." The finance minister has acknowledged that practice inflated prices on petroleum products. We should drop a bit more petrol and diesel. The people are paying for the subsidies on rice, flour, GDR, Road Tax, among others. Pravind Jugnauth has admitted that some of these decisions were suffering population. If I am correct, people are now paying three rupees 'hedging loss' and the decline of two rupees is not enough." Anyway, this fall will rejoice motorists," says Jayen Chellum.

Suttyhudeo Tengur, president of the Association for the Protection of the Environment and Consumers (EPAC) told the Morning that Pravind Jugnauth acknowledged that consumers can not pay for bad decisions of the State Trading Corporation (STC). "We hope that in a second step, the Minister of Finance thinks to review the three Rs sustainable island of Mauritius. If the government had shown good will, he could have reduced a little over the price of petroleum products It is not possible that consumers pay for what they are not responsible," he said.

Raffick Bahadoor, chairman of the Taxi Proprietors Union recognizes that it is a good thing in less than two weeks fuel prices have been readjusted. "This demonstrates that the government has made huge profits on oil prices.” he emphasized.

At the last meeting of the Petroleum Pricing Committee (PPC) agency responsible for calculating fuel prices, led by Cheung Kai Suet Fa Li, the prices at the pump has soared according to the world price because the price of Brent was $115 in early March.