MotorTrend Cargasms Over Pagani Huayra

11 years, 4 months ago - 6 November 2013, Carbuzz
MotorTrend Cargasms Over Pagani Huayra
Did someone just have a jizz-in-their pants moment?

Countless car reviews have critiqued Horacio Pagani’s masterpiece, lauding it as the finest hypercar on the planet, and now it’s MotorTrend’s Jonny Lieberman’s turn to do the same. In the latest episode of Ignition, Modena, Italy, is the setting and Pagani Huayra the protagonist. While listening to the same old tidbits of information can get tiresome, watching the handbuilt hypercar effortlessly carve its way up the mountain roads, while listening to the AMG-built 730-hp 6.0-liter twin-turbo V12 roar never gets old.

There’s also the hilarious moment (about 1.20 mark) in which Lieberman literally has a Huar-gasm as he caresses the aluminum pedals. Worth the entrance fee alone.