Nissan-Wielding Bloodmasters Wreak Havoc on Raceway Park

13 years, 1 month ago - 22 January 2012, Autoblog
Nissan-Wielding Bloodmasters Wreak Havoc on Raceway Park
At some point, drifting made the shift from counterculture revolution to the sponsor-laden vehicular equivalent of figure skating.

We're not sure when it happened, but we certainly miss the days of watching grainy videos of mountain pass heroes piped over from Japan. The Bloodmasters crew seem to get where we're coming from. The guys just turned out a new video showing what happens when the crew gets together for a little fun at Raceway Park in Englishtown, New Jersey. Let's just say there isn't a single booty-short wearing energy drink peddler or tube-chassis manufacturer vehicle in sight.

Instead, we're treated to some good old-fashioned fender bashing and tire shredding orchestrated under a mighty fine soundtrack. These guys are the kind of crazy that brought drifting across the Pacific in the first place, and from their ludicrous camera angles and similarly insane sideways antics, it looks like they're having considerably more fun than the Formula D crowd. We love that they don't seem to care how many dings and dents their Nissan 240SX coupes get, and they don't seem bothered by a few missing body panels, either. The whole film is well-shot, with portions looking downright Mad Max-like.