Nissan's New Leaf Ad Makes Fun Of Tesla Model 3 Success

8 years, 5 months ago - 25 April 2016, Autoblog
Nissan's New Leaf Ad Makes Fun Of Tesla Model 3 Success
There's probably some Sun Tzu quote about turning an enemy's strength into a weakness. And someone over at Nissan has probably read it.

Well, however the automaker got to this place, Nissan's latest ad for its all-electric Leaf takes a direct swipe at the crazy popular Tesla Model 3 and its hundreds of thousands of pre-orders.

Tesla has, of course, been overwhelmed by around 400,000 pre-orders for the upcoming Model 3 (according to the latest estimates). But, since that "upcoming" bit means the car won't arrive until 2017 - or much later if you don't have your deposit already in – Nissan is using a "no reservations necessary" message to get people to opt for a Leaf instead. Sure, you won't get the range or the cache that comes with the Model 3, but you'll pay a lot less and you can go get one today. The Model 3 will cost around $35,000 while the Leaf starts at $29,860 before incentives. Nissan is throwing some extra cash on the hood as well.

A print version of the ad, which is running in major newspapers today according to Automotive News, asks "why wait when you can drive an all-electric Leaf today? And why drop $1,000 to stand in line when you can get $4,000 cash back and best-in-class range?" Think that's a message that will convince anyone?