Phase II of the Ring Road Continued Despite Risks

10 years, 11 months ago - 2 April 2014,
Phase II of the Ring Road Continued Despite Risks
As important as they are, the damage occurred on a stretch of 75 meters from the first phase of the Ring Road will not stop the government.

Let alone the findings "alarming" the Revised Final Environmental Scoping Report (ESR) directed by CCA Environmental together with Enviro-Consult Ltd. for road projects committed under the Road Decongestion Programme (RDP). Alarming, because there is the question of risk of landslides.

The Minister of Public Infrastructure said yesterday at the Private Notice Question of the Leader of the Opposition on the Ring Road, the government is indeed decided to go ahead with the second phase of Ring Road. This phase, the minister said Anil Bachoo will cost Rs 10 billion. A cost which also involves the construction of the bridge that crosses Grand River North West to connect Coromandel Soreze, under the RDP. The tunnel will be dug into the mountain Signals Quoin Bluff alone will cost Rs 775 million.

"The construction of this second phase is necessary for the government to achieve its goal of decongesting the capital and also to develop an alternative entrance to the south of Port-Louis for better traffic and avoid a second in March 2013," a supported the minister. Anil Bachoo added that work to connect the peripheral route between Tranquebar and Guibies begin next year.

Yet the government is faced with the findings of an Environmental Impact Assessment undertaken by independent CCA Environmental of South Africa in partnership with Enviro-Consult Ltd of Mauritius, at the request of the Road Development Authority. The aim of this study is to identify potential environmental impacts under various road projects RDP, including Phase II of the Ring Road.

This document seen by the express notes in particular that, since the road corridor crosses mountainous terrain, "he colluvial slopes may become unstable during periods of high rainfall". The report also provides a series of measures to address these risks.

But Anil Bachoo reassuring that those who use this tunnel will safely has he said.

Meanwhile the first pickaxe of the second phase of Ring Road, Anil Bachoo also stated that the RDP is being reviewed because of heavy financial investment that would entail. To date, 104 parcels of land were acquired by the Department of Housing and land in the context of the whole project of the Ring Road. 74 Phase I and 30 Phase II.

Despite the assurance given by the Minister Bachoo regarding transparency in the acquisition of the land, Paul Bérenger called for the establishment of a commission of inquiry to shed light on the sounds around land speculation concerning the delimitation of the Ring Road.