The Police Show Zero Tolerance: 12 Drunk Drivers Fined 24 December

12 years, 11 months ago - 26 December 2011, Le Matinal
The Police Show Zero Tolerance: 12 Drunk Drivers Fined 24 December
Despite the intense campaign of the police, reckless drivers continue to be careless on the roads. On the night of 24 to 25 December 2011, 12 drivers were fined for excessive blood alcohol.

They will have to pay a fine of Rs 10,000. Also their driver's license will be suspended for a period of eight months.

Sergeant Barlen Munisamy of the Road Safety Unit said that 200 drivers were fined for speeding on the night of December 24. Between 17 and 24 December, 73 drivers have tested positive for blood alcohol. In addition, more than 90 drivers tested were not high percentage of alcohol and were aware that the caution on the roads. These exercises control are carried out every day across the island. "It's disturbing. Drivers behave in an irresponsible manner. The penalties imposed do not inhibit their imprudence, "said our spokesman.

Sergeant Barlen Munisamy has also revealed that the penalty is not instantaneous and that is why people tend not to worry consequences and get behind the wheel after drinking several glasses of alcohol. 

The police presence on our roads has not gone unnoticed in recent days. "The police will not show tolerance. No gift for reckless drivers, "said Sgt Barlen Munisamy. It has not failed to report that there are even some people who are aware of the consequences and procedures, but does, they continue to flout the rules, thinking to escape the nets of the police. The drivers should have better watch out!