Public Transport Sector: Conflict Between Unions and Employers Increasing

12 years, 1 month ago - 20 January 2013,
Public Transport Sector: Conflict Between Unions and Employers Increasing
Neither the union nor the employers do not want to change posture to improve the working conditions of employees of public transport. The first attempt to reconcile the Ministry of Labour has achieved nothing.

All the ingredients for a new labor dispute. After the sugar industry in August 2012, it is the union of public transport which may conflict with operators in the sector. Indeed, the union demanded collective bargaining on a national basis, thus inviting the National Transport Corporation (NTC), the United Bus Service (UBS), the Triolet Bus Service Ltd, Rose-Hill Transport Ltd and Mauritius Bus Transport Ltd to joint negotiations.

However, these five bus companies refused to negotiate on a national basis and want to refer claims union employees at the National Remuneration Board (NRB). A proposal may not be accepted by the union since many cases are referred to this body still ongoing.

"We are pleased to know the official position of employers. The next step for us is to present proposals to the workers and let them make the decision they want, "says Ashok Subron, bargaining in the Bus Industry Union of Workers (UBIW).

The employers' side, there is even more to say on behalf of the Bus Owners Association. Asked for a statement, its president, Viraj Nundlall said he could not speak on behalf of the association. It confirms, however, that the Triolet Bus Service Ltd wants the review of the conditions of employment to be made at the NRB. And even sounding side to the NTC.

In that it is the union's demands, which relates to a pay increase of about 45% remains the largest. Then, workers want the system to automatically increase wages based on time of service, will also be revised. Other union demands are focused on vacations such as Vacation Leave, Maternity Leave or Leave Local. In all three cases, the employees request that the number be revised upwards.