On The Road: 585 Tickets Issued Per Day

11 years, 6 months ago - 23 August 2013, Le Mauricien
On The Road: 585 Tickets Issued Per Day
Operation seatbelts for passengers in the rear seats taken by the police from this weekend.

449 cases of car theft reported last year against 504 in 2011The average fines for breaches of the Highway Code drawn up by the police is 585 per day. This is reflected in the latest data released by Statistics Mauritius the same time confirming the perception of motorists about a greater mobilization of police officers on the road.

Last year, they issued 213,686 minutes to motorists, bursting for the first time the 200, 000, an increase of 9%.

Therefore, these violations represent a potential cash injection in the coffers of a little over Rs 400 million in fines.For 2013, the amount recovered by the government in the form of traffic fines could be closer to half a billion with the entry into operation 20 Speed ??cameras fixed on the main roads and the use of six mobile cameras to track motorists not respecting the speed limits. It is not finished. Drivers and passengers in the back seat of the car had better stand out from this weekend.Strict instructions from the management of the Traffic Branch to the central barracks were issued to police patrols on the road to take action against non-compliance with seatbelt safety by passengers in the back seat of car .

From yesterday, the police decided to crack because even if the law is already in force for some time, the authorities had adopted a marked flexibility during this transition approach. From this year, the offense could figure prominently in the list of Road Traffic Violations.

However, due to the combined effects of road safety campaign and the most assiduous and dissuasive police presence on the road effects, the number of tickets for speeding decreased. By cons, a greater number of offenses of driving while intoxicated was sanctioned, or 23% more than in 2012. The number of cases of "driving under the influence of alcohol of" more than doubled from 2007 to 2012, from just over 800 to 1,692 last year.

The other two fines on the increase during the last year non-compliance with the seat belt by drivers (21%) and cell phone use while driving (28%).The ten most popular tickets provided by the police in 2012 are as follows with the number of minutes of 2011 in brackets:

-Speeding: 56 263 (67 648)

- Inability to produce a driver's license: 23 518 (21 213)

- Non-compliance with seat belt (driver) 13 835 (11 400)

- Non-compliance with the conditions of the Provisional License: 11,455 (8713)

- Use your phone while driving: 8572 (6687)

- Declaration of non-displayed: 5 982 (5 133)

- Non-compliance of signage: 5384 (4679)

- Parking on double yellow line: 4768 (3775)

- Used Tires: 4 414 (3 545)

- Parking in prohibited area: 2 512 (2 067)

Although the number of tickets issued to the police over 200 000 last year, the number of Road Traffic Violations treated in judicial proceedings does not exceed 100,000. This number was exactly 88 217 in 2012, some 15,000 more than in 2011.These statistics point to understand that the police faced a major backlog in order to regularize the situation in the payment of fines to achieve sales of Rs 400 million per year. Efforts are needed to track 100,000 offenders who have not yet passed at checkout.One last detail of the number of stolen cars. Official statistics confirm that 449 cars were stolen last year against 504 in 2011, as what we have to be careful not to fall into the trap car thieves.