Road Safety: 13 New "Speed Cameras" Installed in February

12 years, 1 month ago - 31 January 2013,
Road Safety: 13 New "Speed Cameras" Installed in February
A technical committee identifies currently places among the 133 identified black spots where the thirteen units will be installed. These new speed cameras brand Truvelo should be in late February or early March.

After exercise tender launched in this sense, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure took possession, there is little, seven fixed cameras and six mobile. The contract was awarded in October.

It was initially reported that these speed cameras would be installed in December.

"We need a little time to install because they use a computer system. Must implement the software that will be in possession of the police , "said a ministry official.

The images will be transmitted by a wireless system. A special camera brand Truvelo, widely used in Europe: they can take the plate and driver image.

In addition, they do not emit flash that can surprise a driver or warn those who ride behind him.