Semipublic Body: The NHDC Shaken By A BMW X3 Saga

11 years, 4 months ago - 3 September 2013, Le Mauricien
Semipublic Body: The NHDC Shaken By A BMW X3 Saga
In June, the organization in the social housing sector was offered a BMW X3, two Peugeot 308 and Hyundai for Rehabilitation Works Wasterwater.

A subcommittee of the board requires that these luxury cars are transferred to other departments, or the Housing FinanceThe National Housing Development Company ( NHDC ) , a parastatal company engaged in the enforcement of the social housing policy of the government is shaken by what is presented as a BMW X3 Saga .
Before largesse in the use of public funds to purchase luxury cars , including a BMW X3 , two Peugeot 308 and Hyundai for Field Works , the direction of the NHDC has traced the straps so brutal purchased cars were removed from the control of this organization is to be reassigned to the Ministry of Finance is that of housing.Since the outbreak of this case, which occurred in June with a budget of over Rs 8 million allocated to these expenses, the NHDC is placed under surveillance with the formal point that " there should be no provision in the bill of quantities for the purchase of vehicles and equipment under any specific projects for the NHDC." This decision follows an official position of the Ministry of Finance on the acquisition of vehicles under projects fi nanced by Government Grants .The scandal in the deliberations of the special meeting of the Board of Directors of the NHDC of July 16 , when the members of this body are aware of the purchase of these luxury vehicles at a cost of Rs 8 million "under the Rehabilitation of NHDC housing estate projects . " This management approach raises an outcry among members of the board who complain that " employees benefi ting from use of such vehicles are already entitled to duty paid facilities and car allowances. " In their denunciations of this outrageous and abusive practice of public funds , members of the board strongly emphasized that "when such provisions are made to all contracts undertaken by NHDC, the fl eet of vehicles increases, infl ating the cost of project. In case of housing projects, the additional cost is passed on to low-income house buyers." Buying these brand new cars were benefi employees to NHDC , in this case Trainee Engineers and consultant Gibb Ltd Mtius .A sub-committee of the Board comprising R. Mungur , S. Lallmohamed and Mrs. R. Ramsurn was established to address this problem of buying cars with enforcement known as Firinga I, II , III , IV and V as well as the Rehabilitation of Wastewater Projects projects.
The case of a manager who had the NHDC rated a previous BMW X3 was also part of the remit of this subcommittee because the managers of the NHDC are eligible for company cars with a capacity of 1600 cc .One of the conclusions of this subcommittee is that instead of cars purchased in June, the fi rm consultancy Gibb Mauritius had in his possession three other vehicles, Isuzu Double Cabs, registered 1219 MR 07 , 274 JN 10 and 1170 MR 10 . "The sub-committee needs further information regarding the reason for the transfer of such vehicles to Gibb and to clarify whether these transfers were made in lieu of cash payment." In addition to this, 16 vehicles with NHDC owns a car is available to the Managing Director, the Chairman of another board , two are under the control of the NHDC and eight others, including a BMW X3 , under the control of managers.

Prohibition on the acquisition of new cars

Waiting for additional information to complete this survey on the BMW X3 Saga NHDC , the subcommittee dwells on the fact that "there is already indication that allocation of four vehicles to four staff including a manager has resulted in distortion in the approved conditions of service and may have caused prejudice to other manager and staff also eligible for company cars." Based on the instructions of the Ministry of Finance, the subcommittee urged the board towards the NHDC "to purchase specifi c type of utility vehicles (like 4x4 and 4x2) for site visits, in case need arises and as approved by the Board." Moreover, the NHDC was forbidden to purchase new cars for specifi c projects."Travelling expenses for consultants and offi cers of the NHDC in relation to a specifi c project should be charged under the specifi c contracts. However, total overhead costs (i. e. the preliminaries and general items in a standard bidding document) in respect of a project, which include travelling, should not be beyond 10% of the total project value" requires the subcommittee , which concludes that " the four cars which have been purchased in June 2013 by NHDC under the rehabilitation of wasterwater works of NHDC housing estates to be transferred to government — either the ministry of Housing or ministry of Finance or any other ministry requiring the cars." Sanctions are expected to quote the full report on the scandal, unless the Independent Commission against Corruption decides to seize this issue ...