Six Years Old Girl Crashes Mom’s BMW

11 years, 7 months ago - 7 February 2013, Wheels News
Six Years Old Girl Crashes Mom’s BMW
A nightmare scenario for any parent - waking up from a Sunday snooze and noticing that not only your car, but your daughter, are missing. To make matters worse, the police tell you there's been a car crash...

Now imagine that scenario involving a six-year-old.

Trying To Visit Her Dad

Pittsburgh police were called to the scene of a bizarre car crash in which an out-of-control BMW slammed into vehicles and crashed into a pole. Officers were baffled when the offending driver turned out to be a six-year-old girl.

The little lass reportedly took her mother's BMW to visit her father.

Pittsburgh police's Jerry Parker said: "The girl decided she wanted to visit her father, who lives in a different location. She picked up the car keys and got in the car and drove away."

The girl drove her mother's car for about 1km before she lost whatever control she might have had.

Bystander Rommie Hawkins said: "It kept going. I thought she was going to hit me, but then she stopped just in time, and as I observed, she was this little kid. She couldn’t have been more than eight or nine.

"I was like, 'Stop! stop!, stop!' She looked at me and she took off but stopped again. I started running up the hill, telling her to stop.”

The toddler’s cruise ended when the car hit three parked vehicles and stopped against a utility pole. The little girl was not hurt.

Investigators didn't know how the girl new how to start the car and drive.

Parker said: "It's amazing, but she was pretty tall for a six-year-old."