Volvo Wants to Help Californians Save Water With Dirty Cars

9 years, 3 months ago - 23 November 2015, Autoblog
Volvo Wants to Help Californians Save Water With Dirty Cars
Toward the end of October, Volvo announced the Driving Dirty Movement, complete with its own Twitter hastag, aimed at conserving water in drought-stricken California.

The challenge asked residents to not wash their cars for a month, the figures showing that just one car-wash-less page on the calendar could save the state 18 million gallons of water.

Yet not everyone needed to get filthy to do their part: customers of Volvo San Diego could get a voucher for a recycled-water car wash instead of having the dealer do a traditional wash. Going even further, Steve Hinkle, president and GM of the dealership, said they wouldn't use water to clean customer cars but instead use "a waterless car cleaning solution" called Consciously Clean.

The response was enough to convince Volvo to take it wider, making Consciously Clean available for free at the San Diego dealership as of November 16, with nationwide Volvo dealers able to get stock from Volvo Cars North America.