Cars for Disabled: 85% Reduction in Tariffs

il y a 12 années, 5 mois - 6 Août 2012, The Défi Media Group
Cars for Disabled: 85% Reduction in Tariffs
The intervention of Bankur Aziz, head of the Disability Unit of Social Security, on the antenna or Xplik K, has been a chilling effect for people with disabilities. He stated the conditions to qualify for 85% reduction in tariffs on cars for the disabled.

The news was announced on the antenna or Xplik K, Wednesday. She touched a request to receive a 85% reduction on tariffs on buying a vehicle suited to a disabled person.

According Iramadarsen C., who was speaking on the air, he denounced the conditions imposed by the Department of Social Security. That is to categorize the population of Mauritius, "protested the northerner who is willing to fight for the welfare of disabled people of the island. The young man has written to the Equal Opportunities Commission, under section 28, to denounce what it considers discriminatory.

Far has been applicable since July 2. Anyone with a handicap of over 60% has reduced tariffs from 85% to purchase a car. However, some applicants feel incoherent new conditions attached to this announcement by Sheila Bappoo, Minister of Social Security. Only drawback, and size, this measure: the beneficiaries are required to work. "The primary objective of this initiative is to encourage people with disabilities who can not travel by public transport," stated the Minister.

Iramadarsen C. Today is nailed in a wheelchair. Victim of a fall on his workplace in November 2009 he damaged the spine at the C5 and C6 vertebrae. The young 32 year old man is sometimes forced to remain lying, or sitting. He receives a disability pension because his condition did not allow him to take a job. He experiences great difficulty in holding an object. His parents - retirees - who care for him. Each trip requires the mobilization of his relatives.

Next week, Iramadarsen C. wishes to make an application to Social Security to qualify for a reduction of tariffs for the purchase of a car adapted to his condition. But he knows that its application will be rejected.

"The conditions attached to this new measure stipulates that a person with a disability over 60% must be employed. The vehicle must be a mobility tool for the beneficiary. Iramadarsen, it is not able to work. "Couma li kapav travaye power? So two hands shaking. In the winter, heavy sweating li. So the body not always Dimoune coumarin. If li lor wheelchair half-day, li have extended for several days. Couma li capave travay? "Says his father at Daily Challenge.

Corpulent, Iramadarsen remains prostrate in his wheelchair and struggles to hold a glass of water. Formerly hardworking electrician, Iramadarsen can not handle a screwdriver and his father must help to make their needs and daily grooming. It was his mother who feeds her. For urinary needs, the young man carries a probe.

Joyram, dialyzed with a driver's license, is found in the same situation. Former officer was forced to retire due to illness. Today, it must pay out of pocket for his appointment. "I submitted a request, I said no. I have a job to receive a reduction of tariffs. However, I have money of my 'lump sum' to buy this car. I beg them to grant me the reduction, "he complains.

The leader of the Social Security Disability Unit, Bankur Aziz, he explains that the measure introduced in the 90s was amended last July, before extending this reduction to the visually impaired and non-hearing people. "Several meetings were held with the Ministry of Social Security and that of Finance with the Mauritius Revenue Authority. We want to extend this service to other categories, but the measure involves new conditions. Thus, applicants will receive a job, even if they work for themselves. Otherwise, there will be abuse. Everyone will want a car. A person receiving a disability pension is allowed to take employment. The Department has made provision for 200 beneficiaries of the 60,000 disabled people of the island, "he adds.