Consensus to Lift the Ban on Japanese Spare Parts and Cars

il y a 12 années, 10 mois - 2 Mars 2012, Le Matinal
Consensus to Lift the Ban on Japanese Spare Parts and Cars
The Radiation Protection Authority (RPA) notes that for a year if no radioactivity was detected. The possibility of lifting the ban, which weighs on the import of fish food and spare parts second hand from Japan, is evoked with persistence.

Technicians of the Radiation Protection Authority (RPA) in favor of removing the ban on imports of fish food and spare parts second hand from Japan. 

Nevertheless, they insist on control of these products. So far the food for feeding the fish from Japan and spare parts for second hand vehicles are absolutely prohibited. This prohibition is in force since the explosion of the nuclear plant in Fukushima in March 2011. But no ban weighs on spare parts and new cars even if they are subject to controls. 

RPA and the technical committee have worked on the case. According to them, for at least one year, no cases of radiation on cars imported from Japan were noted. 

A consensus can be found to completely remove the ban on Japanese products. The final decision rests with cabinet. 

The Motor Vehicle Dealers Association is in favour of lifting the ban on spare parts Used Japanese. They said the new spare parts are expensive, so people will have access to used parts at lower prices.