Crack Down Operation on Polluting Vehicles

il y a 12 années, 9 mois - 21 Mars 2012, the Independent
Crack Down Operation on Polluting Vehicles
The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development is declaring war against motorists who are ignoring the preservation of the environment.

The police of the Environment and the National Transport Authority (NTA) will intensify their checks on vehicles emitting smoke above the authorised limit.

“We have already acquired 11 opacimetres from United Kingdom at a cost of Rs 6 million. One will be sent to Rodrigues,” said Deva Virahsawmy, minister of Environment.

These opacimetres will measure the opacity of vehicles‘ exhaust fumes. He added that checks have already started.

“If you travel along the motorway up to Sorèze, you will see that it looks like a technical control centre. Police officers are checking smoke emissions and noise level of two-wheeled vehicles,” he said.

According to him, it is a strenuous exercise that requires between 15 and 20 minutes for each audit.

Diesel vehicles are especially targeted for this first operation.

“The impact of diesel is more important for the quality of our air and diesel vehicles may be the cause of many accidents. Concerning the noise level, we are focusing primarily on two wheels,” he pointed out. The threshold allowed for vehicles emitting smoke is 50 per cent opacity. An offender will be fined Rs 1000. However, if the test shows 70 per cent opacity, a prohibition notice will be served.

“The vehicle can travel only to go to the garage. Once repairs are completed, it will then head to the National Transport Authority, which will issue the certificate of fitness,” he said.

A national information campaign will also be launched to raise public awareness.

“There is the need to address vehicular emissions through implementation of cleaner fuels and vehicles programs. We hope that through these awareness campaigns and tracking of cars, people will become more conscious about pollution,” said the minister.