Having a Car: Luxury or Necessity?

il y a 12 années, 1 mois - 12 Novembre 2012, The Défi Media Group
Having a Car: Luxury or Necessity?
Buying a new car in Mauritius often seems complicated and unworkable. Between January and July 2012, the National Transport Authority (NTA) has registered 5,250 new cars and 3,200 used vehicles. The car is an essential tool, yet it is often inaccessible.

Who would not want to buy a car to be independent and mobile? Move a car makes life easier for many Mauritians. Especially for shopping at the supermarket, take her children to the hospital, avoid congestion in the bus and get to your destination on time. Especially since nowadays costs by public transport or taxi represent a substantial sum. Thus, the car seems ideal.

However, acquiring a car is a real investment. But according Bolah Javed, head of communications at Iframac "buyers tend to opt for a new car because the price has dropped dramatically. Recently, g ens took advantage of bargains offered by Iframac.

In three days, 300 cars were sold during the Exhibition 'Fast and Fabulous at center Swami Vivekananda at straws. Cyril Appajala, Traffic Controller at the National Transport Authority, abounds in the same direction, "Right now, we say it is better to buy a new car instead of a car Reconditioned Rs 550,000. '

Sacrifices, car

Most Mauritians are turning to banks for a loan they must repay over several years. To Jim (not his real name), "every month, a sum of Rs 5000 is deducted from my salary for my new car. My company gives me an allowance for fuel and it relieves my budget somewhat. If I had to pay for gas out of my pocket, everything would have been different. My friends complain about the price of fuel continues to rise. In addition, every year, I have provided a sum of Rs 8500 for the road tax of the NTA, Rs 10,000 for comprehensive insurance and Rs 6000 for servicing (based on mileage). "

According to Kris, "buy a car with a salary of Rs 30,000 is not impossible but it is not possible at the moment. I always study and I have to help my parents with health problems. The advantage is that I have a car. My company is responsible for all costs of servicing, petrol, road tax and the repairs. This is a European car whose parts are more expensive and maintenance. "

So when you have a limited budget and you want to purchase a car, most of the time, we turn to the classifieds or to a dealer.

Similarly, Mauritius, relies heavily on word of mouth, which is the best way to find a nice car. However, once the car gained, it must still provide fresh, especially for repairs. Mechanical problems do not prevent when they occur and often result when large sums retapage. The mechanic Shyam also highlights the fact that many of its customers fail to pay all repairs at once and often servicing is funded in installments.

Kooduruth Ibrahim, a sociologist: "The car is a necessity and a premium"

> Today, a car is essential?

Everyone wants to own a car. The father who wants to go to work comfortably, the woman who does not get tired to take the bus, the young man who loves the nightlife or the girl who wants to travel by car while remaining fresh and elegant! Indeed, the car plays a vital role in our daily lives and the reasons for this change in our society are diverse. A car makes things much simpler. To make monthly purchases, reach its destination without suffer to the bus stop when it rains. All these factors contribute to want to buy a car.

> What would you say to this ideology that the car is a symbol of luxury?

There are two types of people in regard to the possession of a car. For the first, the car symbolizes a tool. The second category, however, sees the car in a representation of social status: a new car with a personalized license plate. Those who belong to this category often have two to three cars parked in their latest court. It is a way for them to differentiate and maintain their social class.

> Even if the car is a necessity, many do not have the means?

Anyone who wished to have a car but can not do, often feels a sense of inequality and frustration. This often creates discord. Who does not want comfort? But we also know that acquiring a car is one thing, but keeping it is another. Indeed, it is necessary to maintain his car. When the vehicle starts to become a source of expense, it is more convenient to have. Initially, we consider a reasonable budget for maintenance but if the situation deteriorates, the best solution is to sell the vehicle. And then it's back to square one.


The term refers to tuning customizing a standard vehicle. This is, in general, by the installation of interior and exterior accessories, mechanical or electronic parts to customize your vehicle. The main goal remains aesthetics, sound better or improve performance. Rajiv Purgaus, restaurant owner and enthusiast of old models, just to pay Rs 800,000 for tuning his car. "Having a car specifically to my tastes is my passion. It cost me twice as much to maintain but I'm lucky to be able to offer this luxury "

"A craze right now"

Aadil, responsible for Sales and Marketing at Dala tuning, tuning explains that takes extraordinary magnitude in recent years. "People are gadget lovers' of interior tuning, regardless of the brand of the vehicle. We have already had a client who spent Rs 450,000 for his car. " The age of our customers is between 20 and 35 years and they have the means to pay for parts, body-kit, rims cosmic change the sound, in short, to give an aesthetic look to their vehicle. Most customers do their research on the net and already know q u'ils want.


Ishita, Head of Marketing: "My car is my body"

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in women drivers. Independence relies heavily on car ownership. Determined to live his life as he sees fit, the woman is ready to excel in all areas to be autonomous. Ishita, 28, led the last few months and she was able to afford a car refurbished with the help of his father. "When I was little, I wanted to have my own car and drive whenever and wherever I wanted. I consider myself very lucky to have been able to achieve this dream, but I really have to tighten their belts to maintain my car "

Varun, 30, attorney: "We do not regret having invested in our respective cars"

I bought a car in 2008 and it has contributed greatly to be autonomous. Before, I had to pay a taxi or ask my dad to drop me off at the office. Each family member has his car and each manages expenses. My only problem is finding a parking-fee daily. Have its own car solve the problems of displacement. Whether it's for an emergency, for a walk with my girlfriend or running errands.

Ken, 24 years: "Having my car is still one of my priorities"

Exit East to work in the West has forced me to buy a car. As soon as I heard that someone was selling a European car at a price that suited me, I rushed not to miss this opportunity. After paying Rs 20,000 to register my name, I realized that I actually have. The car had been freshly repainted because it was recently involved in an accident. At first, I did not have any problems, but then I started having trouble.

After only one year, I have already spent more than Rs 30,000 for maintenance, regardless of repairs, reporting and assurance. I live in an isolated village and I can not imagine myself without a car. Despite this feeling of dismay at these mechanical failures, having a car is a necessity.