Penalty Points: Critics Come Charging

il y a 11 années, 8 mois - 28 Janvier 2013, Le Mauricien
Penalty Points: Critics Come Charging
After the start of Phase 1 of the penalty points through the granting of Driving Licence Counter Part (DLC) since the beginning of the week, the Common Front of Trade Unions Transport is returned to the charge.

Indeed, he held a meeting Wednesday at mid-day, the Centre Social Marie Reine de la Paix. After several discussions lasting more than 100 minutes, the decision was taken to use hands to a planned demonstration in February 21 before brandishing heavy artillery, a general strike of public transport. Y are invited drivers from different sectors who feel their jobs threatened by the introduction of DLC.

This is an audience of more than a hundred people several speakers unions and associations, who joined the because of transport workers have succeeded in calling for mobilization to challenge strongly the introduction of penalty points.

Departure for the event will be donated to Champ-de-Mars gardens to the Company. This is a strong signal that this common front, consisting of bus drivers, taxis, vans and trucks, wants to convey to the authorities to denounce the lack of consultation beforehand.

The Union believes that the government should have consulted the taxi drivers, trucks and buses, to take account of their proposals and suggestions before going forward with this bill. He contests the penalty points in the measurement, he says, that this system is not adapted to the existing road infrastructure where there are still shortcomings and which, according to critics, conclude with driving errors can cause a loss of points and suspension of driving license in case of repetition. The road infrastructure in Mauritius, according to Yusuf Chutoye, does not meet the international standards: billboards barely visible, relatively narrow roads, forcing bus drivers to drive on the sidewalk or on the white line as This is the case in Ebony, he lists. "If new shoots license to new foot di ki power aler rice," he quips as a prevent issues.

Haniff Peerun the Mauritius Labour Congress, Jayen Chelum PMAC, Georges Ah Yan-Forum Free citizens, Raffick Bahadoor, Taxi Proprietors of the Union, each have deplored the "unilateral decision" of the government and the lack of dialogue with union representatives of the transport sector.