Penalty Points, DLC and Speed Cameras: Things are Heating up for Speeders

il y a 11 années, 11 mois - 25 Mars 2013, The Défi Media Group
Penalty Points, DLC and Speed Cameras: Things are Heating up for Speeders
Red alert! With the introduction of penalty points in the coming days, motorists have an interest to show extreme caution on the roads. Especially a twenty speed sensors will also be put into operation from mid-April.

With the coming into force of the system of penalty points, the Driving Licence Counterpart (DLC) is an essential document that will become part of the license, whether confirmed or for drivers who hold a "learner." Distribution began on 21 January and should be done over a period of two months.

However, given the slowness with which the holders of driver's license or "learner" went into distribution centers DLC or recklessness of some who feign ignorance, the authorities were forced to revise the schedule distribution. The decision was taken to extend the period of distribution, which was to end on March 21 until March 28 to 19 hours.

The point is enabled, among other things, to reduce speeding. But it turns out that many drivers confirmed and holders of "learner" show extremely slow to recover their DLC. March 20, in the afternoon, only 336,328 of the 650,000 motorists have recovered their DLC. And March 21, this figure had risen to 354,600. So you are still far off.

Six more days

Motorists who have not yet recovered their DLC have, therefore, six days from today to do so in the designated 21 stations in Mauritius and Rodrigues two. After this time, those who have still not recovered their DLC can go to the Traffic Branch, the Central Barracks, where applications will be handled on a case by case basis. It should be noted that once the penalty points system is in place, motorists who do not have DLC, which will be caught by the police, may be fined not exceeding Rs 10,000.

Authority level, we regret especially that many holders of "learner" say they did not know they had them also carry a DLC. It is revealed that an exercise of "sampling" performed by a cell in the police force. That same year helped to establish the reasons why many licensees or "learner" have not recovered their DLC.

One, there are those who have died, those who are older and who no longer drive, they have been disqualified by a court of law or those awaiting completion of the procedures for changing their name on their license. On the other hand, during the period of distribution of DLC, police identified two cases where they suspect forgery license. These two cases were referred to the Central CID for investigation.

Speed cameras - Smile, you're flashed

If the roads will be safer by equipping sixty radars, remains to be seen, but what is certain is that speeding will be very expensive. By mid-April, is a total of 26 speed sensors expected to come into operation. And mid-2014, they should be number 62.

In addition to the fines - Rs 2000 for a speeding ticket - be flashed also cost 4 to 8 points, depending on the severity of the offense. In other words, in the worst case, a motorist may have their license suspended after two speeding.

With 15 points, the license jumps to six months. If the driver recurrence, reaching again the maximum threshold of points, his license will be simply removed. He will have to retake it. Each point is still valid for a period of three years. Extreme caution is therefore required.

The authorities hope that this, coupled with the introduction of penalty points, will have a positive influence on the number of road accidents. Average 3000 per year. The Government has made road safety a priority in recent years, it has an interest to deliver results.

"The goal is to enforce speed limits and reduce accidents by making use of new technologies. Most accidents are related to speeding and drink-

wheel, "says Ben Buntipilly, Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister on road safety.

This new series joins the two radar speed cameras fixed already in operation for over a year on the highway up to four straws and mobile speed cameras already used by the police. It will receive another six mobile radars. Some fixed cameras have been installed, but are not yet in operation.

It is the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Transport, which is responsible for their installation through its officers who prepared the plan. The motorist attentive will see that in the region Trianon and Shoprite, two fixed cameras were placed for about a week.

Other radars will be installed on Candos Road, Highway Phoenix / Beaux-Songes, St. Paul Road, Coromandel, but also and Bamboos-Medina near fragmentation Anna, Flic-en-Flac and the road between St. Paul and Phoenix.

Other cameras will be installed on the highway at Bell Village, at the height of the Royal College of Port-Louis, Roche Bois, Montagne-Ory and Bagatelle. Six mobile cameras are also delivered to the police. These are in addition to the four already in use.

"These additional radars allow us to increase alertness and verbalize those who do not respect the law. This is primarily to make our roads safer, "explains Inspector Mohit Rama, the Traffic Branch.

The dispute continues, the entry into force delayed

The introduction of penalty points is still hotly contested among professional drivers and other unions that advocate for a revision of the proposed system. The Common Front, which militates against the penalty points, even considering to go to court so that the government review its copy.

Authorities believe seriously pushing "a few days" the entry into force of penalty points, on 1 April, as was the case for the Counterpart Driving Licence (DLC). Especially insofar as the deadline for the DLC has also been extended (see cons). Moreover, almost half of motorists still have not recovered this document.

The protesters do not count letting go and want to force the authorities to review several aspects of license points. "If we continue to stiffen the line, we go forward," says Georges Ah Yan, spokesman for the platform against the license points. He maintains that it must penalize four offenses, or the high rate of alcohol and the phone while driving, speeding and dangerous driving. "We want the authorities to hear the voice of reason," says Georges Ah Yan. He has always done an injunction before the Supreme Court this week to challenge the entry into force of penalty points. It has retained the services of Mr. Rama Valayden. According to Georges Ah Yan, certain elements of this measure would be unconstitutional.

Raffick Bahadoor, which was part of the Common Front, also advocates for a revision of penalty points, even if it is not on the same wavelength as Georges Ah Yan (see cons): "We are open dialogue, but we regret that the Minister does not want to talk! '

He argues that some of the proposed measures are too harsh and penalize motorists. "We must consider the offenses are more serious than others. For example, you can not put on an equal footing non-use of seat belts and obstruction of traffic, which can kill many people, "says Raffick Bahadoor.

Ah Yan and Bahadoor look at china dogs

Nothing goes between Georges Ah Yan and Raffick Bahadoor, who campaigned together in the platform against the license points. The last named was sacked Front common cause of a "disagreement." Raffick Bahadoor after being removed from the Common Front, does not give up and preparing the reply. It provides a press conference where he promises to unpack everything about Georges Ah Yan. 

The penalty spot


Applicable penalty

Dangerous or careless driving

8 to 10 points

Cause injury or death of a man driving

8 to 10 points

Speeding (more than 50 km / h limit)

6 to 8 points

Speeding (more than 25 km / h limit)

4 to 6 points

Do not stop after being involved in an accident

4 to 8 points

Obstruct a pedestrian crossing busy passers-by

4 to 6 points

Pass a vehicle that has stopped at a crosswalk

4 to 6 points

Refuse to give way priority

3 to 6 points

Driving without lights prescribed in darkness

3 to 6 points

Cargoes unsecured

3 to 6 points

Non-compliance on the highway corridors

3 to 6 points

Do not wear a motorcycle helmet

2 to 4 points

Speeding (by less than 25 km / h limit

2 to 4 points

Refusal to obey the directions of a police officer on the road

2 to 4 points

Use a laptop and microphone at the wheel

2 to 4 points

Non-compliance with traffic signs

2 to 4 points

Do not stop the vehicle at the white line

2 to 4 points

Do not wear the seat belt while driving

2 to 4 points