Rapport sur la Ring Road: Rehm-Grinaker dans le Flou

il y a 10 années, 11 mois - 15 Avril 2014, lexpress.mu
Rapport sur la Ring Road: Rehm-Grinaker dans le Flou
Rebondissement au chapitre de la Ring Road effondrée. Rehm-Grinaker, une des deux sociétés responsables de la construction de cette route, n’a pas encore eu accès au rapport final d’Arab Consulting Engineers Moharram-Bakhoum (ACE).

It is in any case says a well-informed and familiar with the matter source. One of the only information that would be available  Rehm-Grinaker  is that the time to finish the reconstruction is 31 July. An approach that some in the community feel "impracticable".  

Especially since  Rehm-Grinaker  - part of the consortium including the firm Colas - still do not know which method to adopt to redo this part of the road. Information which, according to our source, have been communicated to him in the report.

Report submitted in late March

However, in response to the  Private Notice Question  of the Leader of the Opposition on 1 April in the National Assembly, Anil Bachoo said the Egyptian consultant submitted his repor t  to the  Road Development Authority  in late March. The minister also said that the report will be made ??public once the parties concerned have agreed on the work of reconstruction. However, all indications are that this would be far from the case.

Meanwhile,  Rehm-Grinaker  started alone, without partner  Colas,  clearing the section of the Ring Road at Straws, Thursday. An initiative that responds to the request of the consultant in order, they say, to " avoid further collapses. "

Side  Colas , part of the consortium that won the contract worth over Rs 1.2 billion in 2009, radio silence. Requested by  the express , the headquarters of  Colas  in France said, through its Communications Manager, it will not give away to our request.

However, Anil Bachoo told Parliament there two weeks Colas  is as responsible as  Rehm-Grinaker  in this case. The agreement between the two partners of the consortium is clearly the responsibility of everyone on the road project.  Rehm Grinaker took care of lighting, retaining wall, bridges, underpass, ducts, curbs , roundabouts and manholes. As partner  Colas , he is responsible for earthworks, the paving, road works,  Crusher Run,  backfill and all tests on the road.