Roddy Sharp, MD of IMC and Eldomotors: " CO2 Evaluation System Is Unfair”

il y a 11 années, 8 mois - 14 Juin 2013, The Défi Media Group
Roddy Sharp, MD of IMC and Eldomotors: " CO2 Evaluation System Is Unfair”
For Roddy Sharp, the new 'Managing Director' IMC and Eldomotors, the evaluation system of CO2 emissions is unfair. However, he remains optimistic about the recovery in sales of new vehicles.

> You are the new 'Managing Director' (MD) of International Motors Co. Ltd. (IMC) and Eldomotors. What are your priorities?

My first priority is to continue the good work of my predecessor, Paulo Fernandes, making Hyundai one of the best car brands in Mauritius. We have good products and prices, and we strive to have the best after-sales services for our customers. We need to ensure their loyalty in the purchase of their vehicles in the future 100% satisfactory.

At IMC, we also represent that Mahindra Scorpio pick-up is a "workaholic" ideal for professionals. We need to raise awareness of the brand to the public.

In Eldomotors we distribute products from General Motors, we need to increase our visibility and regain market share. We have exciting new products. We hope to open before the end of 2013 or at the latest in early 2014, a new showroom at the forefront of technology to Eldomotors.

> IMC is Hyundai's representative in Mauritius. Korean brands have more success in Mauritius and worldwide. How do you explain that?

The success of Korean brands in Mauritius is simply a reflection of what is happening in the world. There is generally a feeling that the big Korean brands produce vehicles that are well designed, technologically advanced and well made. The model range is wide and prices are attractive.

> The number of vehicles in Mauritius increases every year while we are on a small island. Is there a risk of reaching saturation?

From what I understand, there is a little more than 200,000 vehicles registered in the country while the population is approximately 1, 3 million. So I think there is still room for growth. Although the registration of new vehicles begins to fall, I expect that the new vehicle sales increase for car owners replace worn by the new.

> What is your view on the matter in court between importers of new vehicles and the MRA with the backdrop of the alignment of CO2 from new cars and second hand ones?

I find it unfair that the second-hand vehicles and new are not assessed on the same CO2 emission standards (carbon dioxide). I see no sense in the current situation where the second hand cars are valued at lower standards. Not only is it not fair but it is also harmful to the government that a significant shortfall in revenue due to the implementation of this system.